Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Terrible actions

An American white supremacist, an Israeli Zionist and an Afghan radical are all terrorists. Their origin and religion are not commonalities in explaining their actions. More meaningful is the fact that all are male and between 15 and 25 years old - which are not emphasised in any media discussions.
The common factor is their desire to inflict fear and take extreme steps to obtain their goals. The reasons they are willing to commit violence and how to mitigate those driving forces need to be determined and the constant talk about irrelevancies is a distraction. Chances there are more than one or two factors in play, or more accurately, some deeper similarity than just the surface aspects.
The current measures being discussed - most obvious in the USA across the world - sets the net way too wide to allow a viable response to be developed. All that happens is security theatre at the cost of large amounts of money and inconvenience for enormous numbers of people.
In other words, the current response plays right into the hands of those who wish to negatively impact the lives of their targets.
None of this is new of course, but I think it bears repeating...